cuore busy nest

cuore busy nest : . "A ciência nada tem a ver com o inefável: ela tem de falar a vida se quiser transformá-la"Roland Barthes, 1958 (ed. 1997 : 183) : . "Os Céus Dispensam Luz e Influência sobre este mundo baixo, que reflecte os Raios Benditos, ainda que não Os possa recompensar. Assim, pode o homem regressar a Deus, mas não pode retribuir-Lhe" Coleridge (maiúsculas acrescentadas :)

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quinta-feira, abril 26, 2012

. : da banalidade do mal : .

Our Lord in Heaven... Christian Prayer in Arabic
...this isn´t an execution, you cowards, you beasts (an Animal wouldn´t act like that, you devilish creatures!...:) Me, as a Christian I pray for this poor man´s suffering and soul as he died talking to God for He Is The Same as the One I worship,however distinctive cultures shape Him by their own ethnocentric paradigms, which often leads people to talk and act on His Holy Behalf in vain and worse- they often take Innocent Lives claiming for His Holy Name!!!...:)...
...what you beasts have done is torture, this is murder, this is an obnoxious act which every humane (I don´t use the word human because there´s a huge difference!!!...:) being despises! by these acts you show that you share the same essence as the terrorists who kill Innocent are disgusting creatures to whom God Will Give the Right Lesson ! He always Does, for He Is Fair however not Square- on the contrary- the Circle of Life Is His Favourite PedagogicTool...just wait and see......what you beasts have done is torture, this is murder, this is an abnoxious act which every humane ( I don´t say human because there´s a big difference!!!...:) being despises! by these acts you show that you share the same essence as the terrorists who kill innocent are disgusting creatures to whom God Will Give the Right Lesson ! He always Does, for He Is Fair but not Square- on the contrary- the Circle of Life Is His Favourite  PedagogicTool...

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