cuore busy nest

cuore busy nest : . "A ciência nada tem a ver com o inefável: ela tem de falar a vida se quiser transformá-la"Roland Barthes, 1958 (ed. 1997 : 183) : . "Os Céus Dispensam Luz e Influência sobre este mundo baixo, que reflecte os Raios Benditos, ainda que não Os possa recompensar. Assim, pode o homem regressar a Deus, mas não pode retribuir-Lhe" Coleridge (maiúsculas acrescentadas :)

main images source :) we heart it ©

terça-feira, março 08, 2011

:) Woman´s Day :)

...estava, aqui a pensar que me esqueci de que, hoje, se celebrava o Dia da Mulher... mas como creio que algumas datas comemorativas são muito bonitas, sim senhora, mas se não acompanhadas por um quotidiano que as confirme, caem em saco roto, pronto, não lhes ligo (quase) pevide (mentira! :))...
...estamos num país no qual, a meu ver, ainda está (quase) tudo por fazer ao nível da paridade de géneros (atenção :) não aprecio feminismos acirrados, pois julgo-os contraproducentes e, casos há, profundamente desvitalizantes, embora esteja gratíssima às radicais feministas de outrora que, para chegarem a alguma síntese razoável, tiveram de afirmar a antítese de forma contundente...
... os dois géneros são distintos e ainda bem que assim o é (seria um perfeito marasmo se assim o não fosse :) mas a igualdade de oportunidades e de justiça social, assente na universalidade de direitos do ser humano, ainda está far far away from paradise, num país onde a matriz chauvinista ainda está em curso (quantas vezes nas mentes das próprias mulheres (me included :):)...

...como, hoje, estou mais virada para os cálculos numerológicos, vou aqui deixar dois artigos -um de Diana Mel no Panache Privée e outro do Idiosyncratic Fashionistas sobre Iris Apfel, uma Lady que só poderia mesmo vingar num país anglo-saxónico (aqui, seria, no mínimo, apedrejada e/ou apupada de desmiolada e de outros epítetos... ! :))...

...atenzione, s´il vous plaît :) Iris Apfel não se limita a ser um ícone trendy do mundo da moda, mas uma autêntica empreendedora e revolucionária, enquanto designer de interiores e precursora da afirmação da tendência ecológica do fenómeno vintage e do dos flea markets , enquanto vias de reciclagem de peças e de valorização da moda étnica (como constarão nos artigos citados :), o que modela consciências no sentido da ênfase da universalidade da diversidade da existência humana...

"Wardrobe of a Lifetime
Iris Barrel Apfel's eclectic embellishments.

By Diana Mehl
Iris Barrel Apfel
Iris Barrel Apfel.
House of Lanvin Gown, Apfel Collection
House of Lanvin gown, circa 1985, gold, brown and gray silk taffeta. Bhutan arm bracelet, late 19th century, silver and amber. Tibet cuff bracelet, late 19th century, silver, amber, coral and turquoise. Tibet necklaces, early 20th century, silver, amber, coral and turquoise.
Geoffrey Beene Jumpsuit, Apfel Collection
Geoffrey Beene jumpsuit, circa 1982, orange wool. Native American brooch, 1980s, silver and turquoise. Native American belt, 1980s, silver and turquoise. Italian cuffs, 1970s, silver and ceramic.

(...)Iris has no interest in what she calls “real jewelry”, citing Harry Winston as an example. “I love ethnic jewelry”, she said. “It knocks me out.” One of the photos in her slide show consisted of several silver Tibetan prayer wheels studded with stones, which she wore as bracelets. Two other photos showed jewelry worn by cows and horses in India, both of which Iris has worn herself. (Jean says: She does have the tiniest wrists. The inner circumference of those prayer wheels couldn't have been more than 6" -- compared to about 8" for the average bakelite bracelet. They were also wide and thick -- much wider around than bagels, so they must have been quite a wristful for the diminutive Ms. Apfel!) (...)

"On her own personal style: “I like architectural clothes that I can embellish.” (Jean says: Iris' motto ought to be "More is more." In response to a question from the audience about what she was wearing, Iris pulled up the sleeve of her grey striped jacket to reveal stacks of large resin bangle bracelets. She wore a necklace with a silver round Chinese Minority bauble and carried a walking stick that she hooked over the arm of her arm chair during her talk. Iris tends to favor large pieces of jewelry and wears her necklaces and chains in layers. She did mention that she has one necklace that is so heavy, she wears it while standing for only short periods of time at events before she has to sit down. She called it the "six minute necklace". She freely acknowledges that her jewelry can be noisy when different pieces clang together and told the story of a classmate once remarking that he used to look for her but then just listened for her instead.) (...)"

PP :) ...eliminei uma das peças de joalharia da Iris, pois era feita de garras de urso (disso não gosto...:)

More info about this expo on :)
Apfel has been an influential pioneer in the world of fashion as well, boldly linking high- and low-end and melding flea market finds with haute couture long before doing so was considered fashionable. Her richly layered combinations of colors, textures and patterns show her remarkable panache.

Apfel's highly original personal style will be celebrated this September in an exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum's Costume Institute – Rara Avis: Selections From the Iris Barrel Apfel Collection – in what will be a new focus for the Institute: the collection and exhibition of accessories. (...) also :) Iris Apfel interviewed by Panache Privée...

September 13, 2005 – January 22, 2006
Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute

"(...)The idea for the exhibition began, Iris said, when Harold Koda asked to borrow some of her jewelry for a planned accessory show. But after the museum staff visited Iris’s home, Koda “rethought the concept”, Iris explained, and instead of showing several of her accessories, they showed eighty-two of her costumes (winnowed down from 300). (Jean says: Two summers ago, I organized a road trip to the Nassau County Museum to see the exhibition. I kept my eyes on the road but my ears on the conversation as I drove the Long Island Expressway to Roslyn Harbor and Valerie, Tziporah Salamon and our friend Bianca chatted up a storm. Although the clothes were in similar groupings to the show at the Metropolitan Museum, they looked very different in the more intimate Long Island mansion setting. I loved the fact that the show included not just the clothes themselves but also Iris' shoes, boots, handbags, gloves, luggage, hats, jewelry and eyewear. After the show, we went outside to a section of the formal gardens at the museum and had a champagne brunch (all the ingredients of which we brought ourselves) before heading home. Relax, dear readers -- as the designated driver, I was on my best behavior!) (...)

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