speaking of which, another test is based on developing the spiritual competence to be grateful to those who did/do us harm, for they were/are merely instruments of God when it comes to our spiritual evolution...therefore, each soul has an individual responsibility regarding its freedom of choice...

...Ave, Caesar, morituri Te salutant!...= "Ave, Caesar, those who are about to die do salute You" (nota bene :) those are all of us regardless shapes, accessories and other material useless stuff...
PP :) hypersensibility does have its advantages...furthermore coward souls are true barometers :) they have a special smell and aura and can be sensed by a mere click or glimpse which means some people can easily see through others and that is somehow scary not for their but for others´ own sake...sometimes these strange creatures feel so sorry when they feel they cannot help others more than it is allowed to! please, do forgive them for they just don´t know what to do or say until further notice!...on the other hand it´s too exhausting to connect with unhumane meaness and dark people for they are truly emotional vampires! a true dilema, that what it really is!

...however do please remember that no one in the All Universe can build his/her happiness upon others´ suffering...you send 100 you´ll receive 100 (God Is such an Exquisite Account! :))...It´s Called the Universal Law of Energetic Boomerang...let´s hope you´ll understand it until it´s too late to apologise (well, it´s never too late however late it may already be under the circumstances as consequences are already on the move...you see there is no such thing as lobbies and the power of money within The Supreme Dimension :)...beware and stay tuned...we are always learning from It, either we like it or not...ciao, carissimi!
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